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Kelli Foreman

Anton Larson road is a winding, bumpy at times, quiet road that meanders through the back country on Kodiak Island. . The views are breathtaking and awe inspiring at every turn of the road. This road is one of our favorite roads to take a drive and enjoy nature.. The views offer peace and relaxation after a busy day of serving at Kodiak Baptist Mission.

On one particular day the weather was being true to Kodiak as the rain soaked the sky and ground. We ventured out on this quiet back country road to see just how full the waterfalls might be and to just enjoy the drive.

The clouds were low and the rain continued as we drove past the waterfalls overflowing with fast moving water cascading down the mountains. The holes in the road were filled with water making the drive slower than usual. The Alders were swaying back and forth with every command from the wind.

The moist and rainy weather from the low clouds eventually gave way to sunshine and drizzle as we reached the end of the meandering road. The drizzle from the rain gracefully floated thru the air as the sun shined so brilliantly over the mountains and across the ocean, causing a vibrant and perfectly formed rainbow to appear.

The vibrant colors touched the ocean with amazing eye catching wonderment as the other end sparkled through the Spruce trees reaching the ground with grace and beauty.

Eddy and I stood there in awe at the beauty and power that this rainbow offered in the midst of drizzle and sun. We couldn’t help but be reminded of God’s grace and hope.

The rainbow is a reminder of hope.. The hope God gives us through His Son Jesus. Kodiak Baptist Mission teaches that hope of Jesus to every child that walks through the door. We want every child to witness the beauty and grace in the rainbow of Hope that only God offers in the midst of low clouds and rain that might fill their days. Kodiak Baptist Mission offers that hope , in the Name of Jesus.

Romans 15:13: “ May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”



Only Jesus.

Eddy and Fran Campbell

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