Jane Gangwish from Shelton, Nebraska has been playing a vital role in the ministry at Kodiak Baptist Mission. She is using her talents to keep the staff and children safe during this difficult time.
Jane first came to Kodiak Baptist Mission on a summer mission team in 2019. She along with a crew from Gibbon Baptist Church, in Gibbon Nebraska fulfilled a variety of very important task and made a lasting impact on the volunteers and staff at KBM.
In March of 2020 at the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak Jane began to make masks to be sent to the medical community in Seattle. Using her incredible talent as a seamstress Jane got to work. Gangwish has always used her gifts and talents to help others. A life long 4-H leader she often had groups of young people come for sewing days. She has always been quick to jump in to do costuming for any church pageant or other activity.
Jane contacted Kodiak Baptist Mission and had a package of masks on the way. Ministry and mission work shows itself in so many ways. Jane is helping make it possible for Kodiak Baptist Mission to remain open and serving the children and families in Kodiak.
God wants to use you to further his Kingdom and has given you unique, special gifts to do just that!