Proverbs 8:17 Kodiak has a group of people that paint rocks and then hide them on various trails. The rocks are designed and painted by very creative individuals and have been hidden on local trails, storefronts, and sometimes even inside a store. Hikers diligently search as they wander through the magical forests and trails offered throughout Kodiak. A rock might be laying in plain sight, hidden on branches, in crevices of trees carved out by nature, or carefully placed under the moss. When one is found it brings a smile to the finder. Some of the rocks found are kept and become treasures, while others are moved to a different location to be searched out by others. Searching for the rocks offers a time to take in the beauty of the forest and to appreciate the majesty of our Creator. You can’t help but see God’s handiwork everywhere while you are searching, His majesty and glory can not be hidden from us. Proverbs 8:17 tells us; “ I love them that love me; And those that seek me diligently shall find me.” Even though searching for rocks can be fun and rewarding, searching for Jesus offers the greatest reward. We want the children here at Kodiak Baptist Mission to be diligently seeking the True Rock, Jesus. We want His Love to be the treasure kept deep in their hearts. Jesus is not hiding. He is on our trails of life waiting to be seen. Waiting to be found. Waiting to love. Search for Jesus. His love is a treasure. Fran and Eddy Campbell