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Kelli Foreman

John 1:5

Matthew 5:16

Kodiak is home to many trails that meander through forests of Sitka Spruce with branches of thick clinging moss that limits the sunshine from reaching down to the ground.

The tall Sitka Spruce create a canopy allowing shadows to dance around the shady dense foliage under the Sitka Spruce and Alders. The shrubs and ferns growing from fallen trees and the rich soil stretch toward any light that might come through the moss covered branches and canopy. They are searching for light and the life that it offers. Your path through the forest is one of limited light and dancing shadows.

And then , you come across a stream of light shining in the midst of the Sitka Spruce. A light so bright that it spreads across the mossy ground illuminating the life and beauty of the forest. The shrubs and ferns explode with color and life. All because of the light penetrating through the dark moss- covered branches and reaching the searching plants. Your eyes are drawn toward the illuminating power of the light as it gracefully touches the trees and ground. The light overtakes the darkness as it gives life and beauty to the searching foliage along the paths. It’s a beautiful light in a dark shadowy forest.

John 1:5 tells us:” The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Our passion at Kodiak Baptist Mission is to be a light for every child searching for that Light. We want the light of Jesus to be so bright that it shines through the dark shady days that might fill their path. We want His light to illuminate His Love in the hearts of every child that we see here. We pray that every child is drawn to His Light.

We ask that you also pray for every child that enters our campus. Pray that hearts will be changed because of His Light, and that God will be glorified. We want every child to experience the light and life that only Jesus can offer!

Matthew 5:16 tells us:” In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Glorify God.

Let your light shine.

Teach Jesus.

Light overtakes darkness.

Eddy and Fran Campbell

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