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God's Handiwork

Kelli Foreman

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

When you come to Kodiak to serve, you are Blessed in so many ways. You get to see the glory of God in so many areas on this remote island known as the Emerald Island. Gods handiwork is on display everyday.

Kodiak Island is truly a beautiful place.

The emerald color richly covers the ground, trees, salmonberries and moss that clings to branches wherever it can. The emerald green makes the landscape explode with brilliant, vibrant shades of green.

The mountains that surround this quaint remote island declare the Majesty of God. They stand tall with a powerful appearance , but yet, exemplify grace as they provide views from their peaks that take your breathe away.

The valleys below are filled with soft swaying grass and wildflowers that speckle the ground with vibrant color and scents.

The flowers that bloom every Spring are a silent but powerful testimony to God about His hope of a new life that He offers to all.

The ocean that surrounds this Emerald island gives testimony to God’s hand with its rising of the waves and changing tides.

Psalm 89:9 tells us “ You rule the swelling of the sea; When its waves rise, You still them”

On a sunny day in Kodiak the sky is a mesmerizing blue that takes your eyes upward. You can’t help but look to the heavens.

Psalm 19:1 tells us that “ The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

God’s presence is made known in the beauty of this Island. .

All you have to do is look around to see His glory and majesty.

It is in the Ocean, the vibrant Emerald color, the majesty of the mountains ,and the beauty of the sky. Kodiak Island is a great place to serve and see the wonders of Gods creation.

He is everywhere.

His majesty is being proclaimed.

God is good.

Fran Campbell

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