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Serving .

Kelli Foreman

Updated: May 24, 2020

In 2015 Fran and I had the opportunity to serve on a Mission work trip to Kodiak, Alaska. Prior to this trip Fran and I had been on several mission trips to serve God, and follow Jesus. We were both excited to be able to experience a new place in Alaska serving God.

Our church scheduled 11 days to work at Kodiak Baptist Mission, a place we had never heard of prior to that week, but a place that soon captured our heart. . All we knew is that it was in Alaska and we were going to be able to serve God in a beautiful place.

What Fran and I didn’t know at that time was that God was placing a calling in our heart to serve for more than a week at Kodiak Baptist Mission. We had served at other places, but this calling was different. We had no idea what God had already been preparing us for.

A simple prayer, and comment stating how awesome it would be to stay here for more than 11 days turned into a calling from God to serve him at Kodiak Baptist Mission for 5 or more months out of the year.

At the same time we were asked to serve in Alaska, I was offered an early retirement buy out package from my place of employment. Truly unexpected, but truly planned by God. So off we went, choosing Colossians 3:23-24 as our Scripture verse for the time we were there serving God.

Often, after finishing our work for the day we would take drives out of Kodiak to enjoy God’s creation in Alaska. We shared our drives with Mission teams, volunteers, and staff at Kodiak Baptist Mission. Fran named this the Kodiak Bear Ministry. God provided this opportunity to build relationships and share Jesus with people we met on those drives, as well as those who rode with us. The bear and scenery provided an opportunity to praise God for His creation. Many of our conversations led to telling people about the Love of Jesus while we admired Gods handiwork. The Bear ministry was an unexpected, but amazing ministry that God gave us. It is truly a joy to show the Mission teams the bear, but talking to them about Jesus is far more meaningful. We thank God for the chance to talk about Jesus while showing the beauty of Kodiak.

Today, as then, even with a pandemic, the calling from God for Fran and I to serve at Kodiak Baptist Mission, continue the Bear ministry and to follow Jesus, has not changed.

The ministry may look different than in the past, but we know that God is in the present. There may be new challenges, but it will be exciting to see how God works in the midst of them! His work continues. His Son is still worthy of praise. God is in control and He will be glorified in this pandemic season.

Looking forward to serving Jesus in this pandemic.

Ed and Fran Campbell

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